Friday, December 27, 2019
Does Incarceration Affect Recidivism - 1433 Words
Does Incarceration Affect Recidivism? The United States is the world’s leader in incarceration with 2.2 million people currently in the nation’s prisons or jails. Incarceration is a widely argued topic with many understood viewpoints, and it directly deals with three main important correctional topics which are deterrence, rehabilitation, and recidivism. The definition of incarceration is the state of being confined in prison. Not only does incarceration affect people directly by taking away their freedom, but it also affects their lives once their incarceration is served. There is not a whole lot to do about people being incarcerated, however, there may be ways to help the incarcerated once their freedom is restored. According to†¦show more content†¦Incarceration also gives the offender a chance to be rehabilitated before he/she enters society after their sentence. There is a great debate throughout our country, and in individual states, over how long crimina ls should be incarcerated for various crimes. The relationship between the length of prison terms and recidivism is one of the central points of the debate in sentencing and corrections policy. Many people assert that longer prison terms are more effective at deterring future crimes because they set higher price for criminal behavior and because they hold offenders until they are more likely to â€Å"age out†of a criminal life style. However, others argue just the opposite and that is more time behind bars increases the chances that inmates will reoffend later because it breaks their supportive bonds in the community and hardens their associations with other criminals. According to Oliver (2011), both of these arguments are accurate because the strongest research finds that these two theories cancel each other out. Several studies, looking at different populations and using varied methodologies, have attempted to find a relationship between the length of prison terms and rec idivism but have failed to find a consistent impact, either positive or negative. There is one thing for sure and that is incarceration and recidivism is a very active cycle which affects the lives of many
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Consumerism Is Not Harmful At Times - 1364 Words
Consumerism, the theory that an increasing consumption of goods is economically desirable: a preoccupation with an inclination toward the buying of consumer goods, has been increasing over the last few decades. Although many individuals feel that the increase of can be hurtful to financial wellness, this is not always the truth. The consumption of goods and services is what allows the economic markets to flow freely and thrive as well as survive. Not to say that induvial consumerism is not harmful at times as it can be if the individual creates mountains of debt that may bury them financially. The purpose of this report is to explain how consumerism affects the economy, the individual as well as what the future may hold for consumerism. â€Å"Each time that a person buys something, it typically depletes a store of goods. This signals for more production of goods†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This is what consumerism is about, every time an individual makes a purchase the place where they make the p urchase, more times than not, will replenish the item that was sold. This repurchase then trickles down to yet another cooperation that sells the merchandise to the store, in fact they service hundreds or thousands of stores who perform the same task of ordering and reordering. This second cooperation also employs individuals who have families and depend on a paycheck. So all the companies that this second company services reorder, possibly creating a demand for them to hire more employees. Let’s take this aShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Consumerism939 Words  | 4 PagesAccording to, consumerism is defined as â€Å"the concept that an ever-expanding consumption of goods is advantageous to the economy.†Basically, this definition boils down to people getting more people to buy more products is a good thing. However, things aren’t always as they seem. In order to get people to be interested in your product, there is lots of advertisement involved and this of course costs money. Unfortunately, with lots of advertisements, they may not tell the whole truthRead MoreThe Harmful Effects of Advertising on Society982 Words  | 4 Pagespeople see advertising as harmful in many different ways. With today’s society image is everything, and advertising uses this to their advantage. Advertising uses this as a way to make insecure people buy products they do not need. Many advertisements that are seen today on television, billboards, newspaper, and magazines are indeed harmful to our eyes and brain. Many of them make people feel like crap, that you dont have this car or that house or that body. Advertising is harmful to society because ofRead MoreFood Waste By Tristram Stuart1273 Words  | 6 Pagestheir good amount of money on consumerism. When buying groceries on Sundays we buy so much every time and think that we will store it. But food gets rotten and ends up in garbage. Working in a grocery store, I see every day cus tomers saying that they have bought a lot than they need. Even it happens in my own home, so many things get rotten and I have to throw them. By looking at the concept of consumerism making food waste a problem, I totally agree that consumerism in American culture has madeRead MoreMustafa Mond And Aldous Huxleys Brave New World1001 Words  | 5 Pageshas harmful effects on humans and their individuality, because they see every day as monotonous and dull rather that exciting and adventurous. Mustafa Mond and Henry Ford both valued mass production in their controlling communities, and the consequences of mass production prove to have disastrous outcomes. Huxley heavily focuses on the somber effects on mass production in order to forewarn readers to not take part in it, as it only had negative outcomes. Along with mass production, consumerism playsRead MoreThe Strategy Of Green Consumerism1569 Words  | 7 Pagesand databases instead of files and paperwork so that plants and trees are saved. In Corvallis a lot of the stores has paper free. Green Consumerism is one such initiative that several multinationals adopt across the world in order to survive competition, win over people’s hearts and also to ensure that business profitability is sustained. Green consumerism basically refers to the methodology of catering to consumer needs in a natural manner along with fulfilling corporate social responsibilityRead MoreConsumerism Of The United States1411 Words  | 6 Pagesthe clothing line from the new designer that everyone hypes about? Consumerism is something that flues the fire, also known as the 21th century disease of materialism. Although an alarming issue everywhere today, I believe none is more precedent that of the United States, a society in its own right whose consumerism is as staggering as it is worrying. Why the United States? Because it is a symbol of the Western society, the consumerism capital. Further this is in conjunction with the generation of todayRead MoreMarketing Is An Important Role On Amer ican Lives1501 Words  | 7 Pagessingle trip to these stores. Women are more likely spend too much money as they like to buy expansive, and well branded items. people are constantly forced to make choice. The cost of college education provides a vivid example of marketing and consumerism. For instance, many students don’t know about the cost of college. Most of them are likely adding together their expenditures on tuition, room and board, and the like and deducting the scholarship funds they may receive. Suppose that amount comesRead MoreAmerican Rock N Roll Essay1578 Words  | 7 Pages American Rock ’n’ Roll was a huge influence on the idea of Pop as it affected young people and gave them their own distinct interests. Pop figures at the time such as Elvis Presley and the Beatles gripped the youth of the mid-20th century and defined a discernible difference between the young and the old. Post-war depression was replaced by a youthful optimistic spirit, which allowed for expression of self among the youth of American society. The optimistic spirit offered by pop culture icons allowedRead MorePros and Cons of Government Intervention Essay894 Words  | 4 Pagesspecific report addresses the pros and cons of how much government intervention in the marketplace is necessary and appropriate. This report will cover four authors, Cunningham, Green, Friedman and Pertschuk. The authors have written extensively on consumerism and the protection thereof. This author’s goal is to break down some of the theories, which authors seem akin in their beliefs and which authors’ views are bipolar opposites. Green states there be only should be two types of government regulationsRead MoreEssay on Environmental Impact of Green Companies1112 Words  | 5 Pagesconcern for the environment that is shown by an organization †by â€Å"Going Green†may not be what it seems. It is not necessarily good for the environment. The Green movement is not about the environment as much as about consumerism and political agendas. While green products may be a better choice, they are still not enough to save the environment. When green is applied to food, it suggests foods that have been grown with minimal or no pesticides, organic fertilizers,
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Performance Management Selection and Appraisal
Question: Describe about the Performance Management for Selection and Appraisal. Answer: Structure of feedback form Feedback Feedback forms the communication between the employer and the prospective candidate applying for a job. The feedback from applicants of the advertised job is a crucial aspect. The applicant feedback form is a response from the applicant regarding his experience to the various formalities and processes involved in a job interview. An organization has an organized and structured way of organizing a job interview. The applicant feedback form is a very important process as it outlines the response and the experience of the applicants. This is an importance process as it portrays the loopholes and the effectiveness of the interview process. It encourages transparency in the process (Shackleton 2015). Application Feedback Form We are pleased to receive your response on the application form and procedure. Kindly please fill the form, and submit it along with the application form. Thank you. The correct box needs to be ticked 1= poor 5= excellent 1 2 3 4 5 5 1. Was the response to your queries and doubts prompt and quick? 2. Was the application form easy to comprehend? 3. Please rate the following based on the quality of information: a) Job advertisement b) Application form c) Description of the job d) Specialization and skills of candidates e) Additional documentation f) Overall Style 4. Would you have liked and required any other type of information: YES NO If yes, please recommend 5. How would you rate this application procedure and form in comparison with other organizations? Worse Similar Better Name of the post applied: Name: Date: Signature: There is a specimen of an application feedback form provided above. The application form covers important basis regarding the structure of the application form and outlines the quality of information regarding the job advertisement. There are queries regarding the quality of information regarding job advertisement, description of job requirement and query about specialization of the candidate and so on. The feedback form stresses on the clarity quotient of the application form, in order to understand whether the applicant had any difficulty in comprehending details and specifications mentioned in the application pack. It also allows comparing the application form with the rival companies and making necessary adjustment (Townley 2014). The application feedback form is provided during the job interview and is provided along with the job application form. Reference List Derous, E. and De Fruyt, F., 2016. Developments in recruitment and selection research.International Journal of Selection and Assessment. Shackleton, V., 2015. Recruitment and selection.Elements of Applied Psychology, p.153. Townley, B., 2014. Selection and appraisal: reconstituting.New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals), p.92.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Sabir Warsame Essays - Behavior, Abuse, Persecution, Human Behavior
Sabir Warsame Mrs. Riddell ENG 3U-22 August 3 , 2017 Sabir Warsame Its proven that Bullies love an audience. I witnessed a lot of people getting bullied during middle school I wasn't one to get involved but I would quickly advise an adult, peer , or even my family about this. Bullying is a horrible thing you should stand up against bullying when you see it occur . Be come someone's hero, t oday I will be speaking about my experience during seventh grade in middle school. There was a guy who loved to push people and slap them while they weren't looking and his group of friends would just laugh and support his act, it wasn't until he slapped this kid who I would usually play basketball with, and this kid had a hearing aid and was a great kid to be around he had a great vibe. I didn't want to be like the rest and just walk away or just laugh at point fingers so I slapped the bully and said 'how does this feel jerk'', and the bully's friends made a huge situation about it and told the bully to fight me , then the bully attacked me and surprisingly the kid who got slapped put the bully in some sort of mixed martial art move and shocked all of us. The bully had apologized to me and the kid he slapped and we all laughed about it at the end and talked it out. For the rest of the school year this bully I can now call my friend stopped bullying people, it was a lesson to learn really. I felt like the role I played in this situation could have been handled much better instead of slapping the bully who was twice my size. I should have let an adult in the building know and it could have been handled in a much better way. Bullying is a horrible thing that needs to stop'' Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it''. Remember to always Be an active bystander and help to stop bullying. Use your power to let oth ers know that bullying is not ok .
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Huck Finns Journey into Adulthood essays
Huck Finns Journey into Adulthood essays Huckleberry Finns Journey into Adulthood In Mark Twains novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, we experience the harsh ways of society through the escapades of a boy who has run away from home. Huck learns to see the true society he is a part of by encountering a variety of people, experiences, and decisions he must make. Huck takes lessons from Miss Watson on her views of religion and right and wrong. The king and the duke prove to Huck that there are always some people remaining, who are inhumane. Through Jim, Huck faces many moral decisions and he goes against society to save a man whom he never considered being a life long friend. Huck's journey changes him in many ways and helps determine what kind of adult he becomes. Miss Watson tries to show Huck the good of Christianity. However, he is unable to grasp her concept of religion no matter how hard he tries. She tries to tell him about Moses and the Bulrushers, but he does not care for the past and ...takes no stock in dead people. Miss Watson tells Huck that if he prays for something, he will receive it. Huck decides to test the theory and is let down. He says, It warnt so. I tried it. Once I got a fish-line, but no hooks. I tried for the hooks three times, but somehow I couldn't make it work." Afterwards he tells Miss Watson to pray for his hooks and she calls him a fool. Huckleberry is a little confused about this whole praying scenario and when he comes back from the woods after thinking about everything he goes to the Widow Douglas. She explains to him that he must pray for "spiritual gifts" and others needs. Huck finds this absolutely outrageous and decides he is finished with religion. The only advantages he can see go towards other people. Later while continuing on his way with Jim, Huck comes upon two classic characters, the king and the duke. From the be ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Business turnaround
Business turnaround The Renault company best known for its innovative and design was to undergo a turnaround with the Japanese motor giant, Nissan. The Nissan has a prolonged fame of producing quality engine systems. The two companies agreed to form a major strategic alliance. This alliance would be the fourth largest car making company across the globe. The Renault was to assume $ 5.4 billion of Nissan’s debt.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Business turnaround Renault and Nissan company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This alliance made sense for both sides since the Nissan Company’s strengths would cover the gaps of the Renault company and vice versa. The Renault was to reduce the much debt owed to the Nissan industry. The success of the alliance would purely depend on the conversion of the Nissan of the Nissan industry into a profitable and rising business as proposed by Schweitzer. An earlier attempt by the Ren ault Company to merge with Volvo was not successful due to the traditional state control of the player countries. Before the idea of turnaround had emerged, Nissan Company was really struggling to earn the estimated profits. The cost of making a Nissan vehicle was extremely high hence; its market price for its products were high compared to other firms in the industry. The company stock had to accumulate since it would pile more than million more cars each single year. This made the company accumulate more and more debts. In order for the company to protect its identity and maintain self-esteem for its people merger was the most appropriate option as at that time. Currently, the turnaround has achieved more success beyond its imagination. Nissan is very profitable, and its identity has been on the upward growth. The successful turnaround of the two companies is due to the mobilization of the Nissan managers through cross-functional teams meant to spearhead radical changes and mainte nance corporate culture by the Renault Company. The Nissan Company made new culture by dramatically breaking its past traditional culture. This enabled it to save money and alienate form the persistent loss making habit associated with the former method. The company had to dismantle the Keiretsu investments to realize its capital locked up in these in this real-estate investment. In a close analysis, the major problem of the Nissan Company was not only financial constraint but also cultural difficulties. Its older employees stuck down more money and power than they did actually perform breeding complacency to the company hence undermining its competitiveness. This culture made the company realize more loses, as its customers did not consider how the company undertook the process. However, what the customer required was well-designed and quality products at affordable prices. The company had no choice but to drop this culture and ditch the seniority rule. The company also revamped it s compensation system and focused on performance. The company also had another culture of blame where in the case of failure it was due to another persons fault.Advertising Looking for coursework on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The success of such turnaround is ensured by building a trust through transparency within the operations of the two parties. In this alliance, building transparency was through keeping promises and providing totally clear and verified reports. The transparency was through ensuring each party knew what the other was doing and had a record the expected outcome. The alliance has moved form cross-function to cross company. The two companies had to set up series of joint ventures and formed legal structures that effected the cross-company plan. The companies set respect as the motivating factor for their combined dealings. Since the Renault was not the Nissan’s prefer red partner bestowing respect was an important aspect for long-term friendship. Generally, Nissan’s identity and culture have been the main cause of its success. The relationship between the two companies has grown greatly despite the fact that at the inception Nissan was more of a leaner than the Renault.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Poicy paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Poicy - Research Paper Example Like alcohol, the exclusion that took place in the early 1920s was meant to get rid of various types of substances which were in the society. The prohibition did not seem to work and it has failed in the last few years. The failures associated with this prohibition have been most noticeable, due to the fact that today so many lives are being wasted and not to mention opportunities. It is now obvious that when it comes to determining what works well for people seems to be less straightforward. However, there are excellent examples from most states in the world indicating that there are more opportunities that can be used for improving policy implementation. History of Drug Policy Drugs in the US started surfacing in the 1800’s (Higate, Hughes, and Lart, 2006). Opium became widely known after the Civil War. The next drug to become popular was,cocaine in the late 1800’s. Coca an element in cocaine was mostly used as an ingredient in health remedies. The discovery of Morphi ne came a while later, in the year 1906 and was solely used as a medicinal component (Menzel, 2000). In the early 1900’s, there was a heightened knowledge that the psychotropic drugs had a great potential of causing addiction. Towards the end of 19th century, the abuse of cocaine and opium had reached worrying proportions. The Local governments actively began the prohibition of opium importation and dens. In 1906, the food and drug act was enacted. The act required that all doctors should accurately and clearly label medicines that they used. Drugs were now seen as a threat and no longer the remedies for illness. In 1914, the Harrison Narcotics act was enacted. This was Americas first Policy on drugs. It staunchly restricted the production and sale of a number of controlled substances. Under this act, doctors had the ability to administer to patients and the drugs acquired by drug addicts were secured through registered doctors (Lowinson, 2005). At the time, drug addiction wa s perceived as a medical problem and not an illegal activity. However in 1919, Americas Supreme Court made a harsh ruling against the treatment of drug addicts as a legal form of treatment. This drug policy mainly targeted physicians. In 1930, Harry J. Anslinger was chosen to head the Federal Bureau of Narcotics which had been created by the Treasury Department. He was the head of this agency until 1962. During his time in power, drugs were highly criminalized. In 1951, the Boggs Act was enacted. Under this act, penalties for the use of Marijuana were drastically increased. In 1956, the Narcotics Control Act was created. This is believed to be the most punitive anti-narcotics law ever enacted. Propaganda was widely used as a preventative measure by the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. The bureau created horror stories relating to drugs and drug use. Marijuana for instance was said to bring about and fueled sex crimes. In 1966, due to an alarming increase drug use and abuse, the Narcotic s Addict Rehabilitation Act was enacted, by Johnsons Administration. This act listed narcotic addiction as a form of mental illness. This particular act however, had no major impact on fighting drug usage
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