Thursday, August 27, 2020
Democracy in the uk Essay Example for Free
Majority rules system in the uk Essay I love perusing sentiment catastrophe books. Right off the bat it offers me the chance to distinguish love; the amazing way love developments, what explicit component bring the personas close and joined inwardly. Moreover it gives top to bottom data about adoration and the parts of affection, this is fascinating on the grounds that affection is a piece of regular daily existence and many individuals can identify with it which makes it relatable. Furthermore the perusers (I) feels comprehensive and just as gain from it so as to forestall the slip-ups made by the characters inâ the book, or to Improve connections which will benefits me and furthermore it makes the story engaging and fascinating. Thirdly perusing a sentiment book is an extremely incredible to unwind and escape from the everyday world. What's more, I paint an image which causes me make a picture in my mind which nearly appear as though I am viewing a film this makes the book extremely meddling and causes me to long to understand more. There are specific sorts of kinds that I don’t appreciate perusing, for example, dreams this is on the grounds that it is unreasonable as it a paint a ridiculous imagineâ which doesn’t make the book relatable and frequently it debilitating as the perusers don't feel comprehensive. I would surely favor it on the off chance that it was blended in with an alternate class for instance sentiment etc†¦ However it might reasonable for individuals who needs to escape from this present reality and have a gutsy perusing. For example youngsters. I appreciate composing when I am discouraged or befuddled this is on the grounds that it gives me the positive feeling as I get the chance to communicate my emotions, contemplations andâ decision this causes me ease pressure all the worry as it doesn’t turned into a barding so by having this alleviation I keep an eye on an answer any issue I’m experiencing. Perusing causes me to investigate diverse thing so by this I read pretty much consistently for instance paper on my approach to school, I have an hour 15mintes excursion. Perusing keep me conscious and restored as I get the chance to find out about various this that’s going on the planet and commend tattles etc†¦ this causes me to be prepared and arranged for my exercises asâ my cerebrum helps my mind remain dynamic. I am perusing books I quit during tests meeting ‘vampire beach’ and the accompanying novel is called ‘ritual and legacy’ I am very interfere to peruse this book since I delighted in perusing different books as it meets to my desires and the class of the book is likewise about sentiment, extraordinary and enticement which makes it extremely fascinating as there’s various stories in the book due to the arresting, assortment of subjects as the peruser don’t get exhaustion.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
An Introduction to Plastic Gears :: essays papers
An Introduction to Plastic Gears As a worker of a world-class plastic apparatus producer for a long time, I perceive how this is an obviously developing piece of the rigging business. I would like to quickly depict how something apparently straightforward as a plastic apparatus requires the summit of numerous very best in class forms. Inside single word I’ll state that at each level exactness is required. At first, an apparatus engineer must plan a rigging that meets the structure aim while staying discerning of all factors that come about because of utilizing materials, for example, plastic. This specialist must structure an apparatus cathode that will really decide the type of the rigging. This anode is then copied into the form cavity utilizing a strategy ordinarily alluded to as EDM or electrical release machining. It is fundamental that the rigging cathode be sliced indistinguishable from the completed apparatus tooth structure. Some pay is regularly made for the shrinkage of plastic just as the overburn that happens during the EDM procedure. The rigging engineer typically will modify the apparatus tooth geometry to calm pressure and fortify the rigging tooth structure. This modification is ordinarily done at the base or base of the apparatus tooth and at the tip or pinnacle of the tooth. Next, a shape creator at that point will assess what the normal existence of the apparatus program will be so he can construct a form that is powerful and able delivering the a large number of parts with the most noteworthy of precision. He will guarantee that the plastic that will enter the form will go along adjusted pathway or sprinter framework that will take into account reliable fill into each shape cavity. His instrument for assessing this stream is done through a PC model generally alluded to as form stream investigation. He should be fit for understanding what makes a decent shape just as a decent rigging. When the form is finished it is then set into an infusion shaping machine. It is significant in the exactness gear forming industry that the embellishment unit has a profoundly controlled framework set up to screen the trim procedure. It is similarly significant during this procedure that there is a methods by which every single fringe variable can be controlled. This is finished using a focal processor, which will keep up balance on all settings for each parameter. Transducers transfer the entirety of their data into a focal processor that will screen and keep up this reliable procedure.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Things To Do Before Reviewing A Product (Checklist)
Things To Do Before Reviewing A Product (Checklist) Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Things To Do Before Reviewing A Product (Checklist)Updated On 18/02/2016Author : Shabarish BalajiTopic : BloggingShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogAs I know that most of the newbie bloggers write a review article of a product without knowing what it does. It is weird to write articles or reviews about an unknown product. It is also harmful for your blogs and your reputation. Every Pro Blogger review an article only by knowing them and using them completely. So in this article Ill show you the (Checklist) things to do before reviewing a Product. In order to increase sales and you will be able to write it completely and know its pros and cons.(Checklist) Things to Do Before Reviewing a Product1. Buy And Use The ProductThis is one of the or the major task or checklist before reviewing a product. You have to buy the product and use it for a week or a month. Get to know about it completely, dont Pretend or copy the review from other blogs. This will definitely spoils your blog’s reputation and also your reputation in blogosphere.2. Check The Manufacturer ReputationNever ever forget to check the Manufacturer or the person who is behind the product. This ensures that you are not reviewing about any spam or scam product and lose your reputation. Search for review and user rating of the product or the manufacturer before writing a review. Do a really intense research about the manufacturer and check what people are speaking about the product and about the manufacturer. Also check what other bloggers have reviewed about that product.I know that its time consuming but it helps you to choose the right product to review.READPagerank Vs Alexa Rank [DISCUSSION]3. Create A Brief Idea Of The ProductAfter you have done with all the researching of the product, you have to get an idea of the product that how you gonna write it on y our blog. Is it a video review or audio review or an article review?! Prepare a basic idea and start writing the article. Be Honest on what youre writing .4. Search For The Best Alternative ProductSearch for the best alternative product of the existing product. We all know that there are several same products with more features and more commissions. Search all affiliate sites. If you cant find it then make use of Google and search for the alternatives.5. Conduct A Poll On Facebook or On Your BlogThis is not an important checklist to do, but it is better to conduct a poll on your Facebook profile or on your blog asking your friends or readers to vote whether the product is good, working, real, scam, etc. Mention the poll results on your review. People will get to know what others are saying about the product and it will also create conversion and you will get more sales.ConclusionI hope that from now all the newbies and some of the pro bloggers will research and write a honest review of a product and make tons of sales. If you have any problem please dont hesitate to comment below.
Monday, May 25, 2020
What Was the Main Goal of Wollstonecrafts Advocacy
Mary Wollstonecraft is sometimes called the mother of feminism, as her main goal was to see women gain access to segments of society largely off-limits to them in the 18th century. Her body of work is primarily concerned with womens rights. In her 1792 book, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, now considered a classic of feminist history and feminist theory, Wollstonecraft argued primarily for the right of women to be educated. She believed that through education would come emancipation. The Significance of the Home Mary Wollstonecraft accepted that womens sphere is in the home, a common belief during her time, but she did not isolate the home from public life as many others had. She thought public life and domestic life were not separate but connected. The home was important to Wollstonecraft because it forms a foundation for social life and public life. She argued that the state, or the public life, enhances and serves both individuals and families. In this context, she wrote that men and women have duties to both the family and the state. The Benefit of Educating Women Mary Wollstonecraft also argued for the right of women to be educated, since they were primarily responsible for the education of the young. Before the Vindication of the Rights of Man, Wollstonecraft mostly wrote about the education of children. In Vindication, though, she frames this responsibility as a primary role for women, distinct from men. Wollstonecraft went on to argue that educating women would strengthen the marital relationship. A stable marriage, she believed, is a partnership between a husband and a wife. A woman, thus, needs to have the knowledge and reasoning skills that her husband does to maintain the partnership. A stable marriage also provides for the proper education of children. Duty Before Pleasure Mary Wollstonecraft recognized that women are sexual beings. But, she pointed out, so are men. That means the female chastity and fidelity necessary for a stable marriage require male chastity and fidelity too. Men are required as much as women to put duty over sexual pleasure. Perhaps Wollstonecrafts experience with Gilbert Imlay, father of her eldest daughter, clarified this point for her, as he was not able to live up to this standard. Putting duty above pleasure does not mean feelings are unimportant. The goal, for Wollstonecraft, was to bring feeling and thought into harmony. She called this harmony between the two reason. The concept of reason was important to the Enlightenment philosophers, but Wollstonecrafts celebration of nature, feelings, and sympathy also made her a bridge to the Romanticism movement that followed. (Her younger daughter later married one of the best-known Romantic poets, Percy Shelley.) Mary Wollstonecraft found that womens absorption in pursuits related to fashion and beauty undermined their reason, making them less able to maintain their role in the marriage partnership. She also thought it reduced their effectiveness as educators of children. By bringing together feeling and thought, rather than separating them and dividing them along gender lines, Wollstonecraft was also providing a critique of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a philosopher who defended personal rights but did not believe in individual liberty for women. He believed a woman was incapable of reason, and only a man could be trusted to exercise thought and logic. Ultimately, this meant women could not be citizens, only men. Rousseaus vision doomed women to a separate and inferior sphere. The Link Between Equality and Freedom Wollstonecraft made clear in her book that she believed women had the capacity to be equal partners to their husbands, and in society. A century after she advocated for womens rights, women enjoyed greater access to education, affording them more opportunities in life. Reading A Vindication of the Rights of Woman today, most readers are struck with how relevant some parts are, while others read as archaic. This reflects the enormous changes in the value society places on womens reason today, as compared to the 18th century. However, it also reflects the many ways in which issues of gender equality remain.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
International Marketing - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2522 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Type Narrative essay Level High school Did you like this example? INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Assignment set 1 Q: 1 Explain the different economic indicators which give us the idea of the economic condition of the country in brief. The economic condition can be measured with the help of some economic indicators. These are the variables designed to predict changes in the business cycle. The size of population He larger the population, larger will be the market. The population of a country changes because of the three factors listed below: 1) Birth rate. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "International Marketing" essay for you Create order 2) Death rate. 3) Migration in and out of the country The distribution of population is an important aspect of forecasting the demand of the product and is helpful in market segmentation decisions. Different age groups will have different demands and population density is a good pointer of market attractiveness. Level of income and its distribution: The income level is usually represented by Gross national product (GNP) or Gross Domestic product (GDP). GDP: it is the aggregate of the total output of goods and services by a country during a financial year. GNP: GDP plus the income from abroad. World Bank has classified countries by their per capita income in the following categories: Low income countries US $ 875 or less. Middle income countries US $ 876-10725. High income countries US $ 10,726 or above. Another way of classifying countries according tots economic activity can be: Less developed countries, Pre-industrial countries, Developing countries, i ndustrialized countries, advanced countries. the study of population helps in making market segments and accordingly the company can cater to the demands of both high and low price versions of the same product in the same country. Market structure: To evaluate the economic condition of a country, we must know the structure of the market. The main classifications are: 1.Perfect competition The main characteristics of this market are: Lots of producers and consumers. Identical products. Price is set by the market forces (demand and supply). Willingness to pay. Monopolistic competition Monopolistic competition is more realistic condition than perfect competition. Main characteristics of this market are: Large number of firms producing slightly differentiated products. Sole producer of a particular product so is a monopolist of that product/brand. The differentiation is only from the point of view of buyers. Each firm has some degree of control over prices. Buyers become loyal to the product/brand. New firms are free to enter the market. Oligopoly Main characteristics of this market are: Few firms having similar or different products. Each firm has some degree of control over price. Reaction of rivals is very important. Interdependence of behavior in case of oligopoly. New entry is difficult. Stages of business cycle Prosperity à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" boom à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" decline à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" depression à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" recovery Consumption pattern: Consumption means final purchase of the goods and services by the individuals Inflation Inflation is defined as a general increase in the level of prices. When the level of prices are high in a country companies might not find it beneficial to sell its products as the purchasing power of individuals reduces as the real income reduces. Accessibility to human resources: The abundance of human resource makes the manufacturing process easy and lowers the cost of production. To understand the nuances of the business in the host country, the company prefers to recruit the local skilled or semi-skilled labor. That is why the company looks at this factor while analyzing the economic environment of the host country. Infrastructure: The importance of infrastructure needs no emphasis. For the functioning of the company, road and rail connection, telecommunication facilities, power supply and so on is required. A support infrastructure is a precondition for the development of any industry. The companies must assess the availability of infrastructure of the host country. Q: 2 Write short notes on: Arbitration b) FDI Arbitration Arbitration is a technique of dispute resolution in international commercial transactions, or outside the court .it is that techniquie in which the third party reviews the evidences and impose decision. It is most commonly used in matters such as consumers and is faster and cost effective process. Some of the benefits of arbitration may be as follow: It limits the dispute and associated libilities because most legal systems there are very limited avenues for for appeal of an arbitral award. In judicial proceedings the official language of the country is automatically applied where as in arbitral priceedings any language may be used. Arbitration awards are generallu easier than judicial awards. Arbitration is often faster than litigation in court It is more flexible and cheaper for businesses. Arbitral awards and proceedings are generally made confidential and non-public. Arbitrators with appropriate degrees are appointed when the subject ,atter of the dispute is highly technical. Exclusionary rules of evidence donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t apply; everything can come into evidence so long as relevant and non-cumulative. There is less exposure to punitive damages and run away juries from defense point of view The fact of finality of arbitration awards that normally there is no right of appeal to the courts to change the award. FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) foreign direct investment, a company directly invests in another country to make or market an entity in a foreign country. The investing company may make investment in a number of ways in overseas by setting up associated or subsidiary company in foreign country by joint venture, mergers or shares of a foreign company. Foreign direct investment is passive investment such as stock and bonds in contrast to portfolio investment. Brown field strategy is one form in which the company aspiring to go international decides to invest in an existing company in a suitable location/country. That existing company has most of the infrastructure, but the technology involved may be obsolete, present operating capacity may far less than the installed capacity and also may be in need of funds for modernization and increase production. The second form of market entry strategy is through green field investment, where a new unit is established after creating all th e required infrastructure and permission from the local government. Q:3 What are the issues related channel decisions in international marketing? Most producers rarely sell their goods directly to the final consumers. Most often producers rely on a marketing channel which comprise of a host of marketing intermediaries performing a variety of functions and bearing a variety of names. One of the most crucial decisions facing management is marketing-channel decisions. All the other marketing decisions are very closely affected by the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s selected channels. 1-Relatively long-term commitments to other businesses are involved in a companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s channel decisions. 2-There is also a powerful inertial tendency in channel arrangements 3-The scope of distribution channels extends beyond simple convenience to include impacting the productà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s meaning. Effectiveness of international distribution channels: The Five Cà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Framework can be used by international marketers to determine the effectiveness of their international distribution channels: Coverage à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Ability of channel to connect with targeted customers to accomplish market share and growth objectives. Character à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Congruence of channel with the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s sought after product positioning. Continuity à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" The channel loyalty to the company. Control à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" The ability of the company to control the whole marketing program for the product or service. Cost à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" The investment needed to set up and maintain the channel- variable associated with sales level. Fixed costs needed to manage the channel: training of sales force, facilities and inventories. Control over distribution: 1-There is a global trend toward shorter distribution channels and closer links, if not direct relationships, with those active participants in the channe l. 2-It is the view of some that the sole way to internationalise is to navigate closer and closer to complete control by means of totally owned subsidiary. This however is a fairly incorrect one. 3-First, we have to consider Industry characteristics, the value-addition of the business and what the consumers really desire are to be first considered. Secondly, close control through a commission agent or joint venture is often possible. Control and ownership should not be directly equated. Q:4 What are the different strategies adopted by the marketer while fixing the price for the product? Different strategies are adopted by the marketers while fixing the price for the product and these strategies need to be monitored and reviewed at regular intervals. Cost based pricing or Cost plus pricing: This is the most common method of pricing followed by the marketers. Price = [Fixed costs + Variable costs + Overheads + Marketing costs] + specified percentage of the total cos ts (representing the profit portion) Market Oriented Pricing method is highly flexible and provides for prices to be changed in tune with changes in the market conditions. This method is also referred to as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"what the traffic will bear methodà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢, Following competitors Following the leaders is a common trend seen in every field of activity in our daily lives. Similarly, even in the case of fixing prices, many firms simply follow the dominant competitors. These dominant competitors are also called as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"price leadersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ Three alternative ways of following the competitor: Fixing the price at the same level as that of the competitor Fixing a lower price than the one fixed by the competitor Fixing a price which is higher than that of the competitorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Negotiated prices This method is commonly adopted when dealing with powerful buyers who buy in large quantity, for example, Governments and institutions. Customer determined price In case of international marketing, often, the foreign buyer indicates the price at which he is prepared to buy the product. By virtue of this, the seller is pre-empted from quoting his price. Break-even pricing For any marketer, there is a particular point in his business game where he is able to cover all the expenses incurred by him but he is not able to earn any profit from the activity he is pursuing. Break-even price à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" the price for a given level of output at which there is neither any loss nor profit. Break-even point à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" popularly called BEP, this is the point or the level of sales at which the total revenue will exactly equal the total cost. Margin of safety à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" the difference between the BEP and the expected capacity utilization is known as the margin of safety. Margin of safety = expected capacity utilization à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" break-even point From the above we can interpret: a) Lower the BEP, higher the chance of the project making profit b) Lower the BEP, higher the margin of safety c) If the BEP is very high, the risk will also be very high. Marginal Cost Pricing This approach is more suitable in evaluating and analyzing the profitability of the new orders in case of firms with idle capacity i.e., the firm is not utilizing its installed optimally. Creative Pricing Creative pricing is a concept derived from the marginal costing approach. Creative pricing approach advocates tapping the advantage of the flexibility between the lower limit of break-even price and the upper limit of the competitorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s price for a similar product. If the marginal cost is very less when compared to the price of the competitor, there is leverage to the exporter to adopt aggressive pricing policies in case of export order. Q: 5 what is personal selling? Explain with reasons why local nationals are preferred as sales per sonnel in international marketing? Delivery of a specially designed message to a prospect by a seller, usually in the form of face-to-face communication, personal correspondence, or a personal telephone conversation. According to Stanton, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“personal selling is the personal communication of information to persuade prospective customer to buy something à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" a product, service, idea or something else. This is in contrast to the mass, impersonal communication of advertising, sales promotion and or other promotional toolsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Advantages Personal selling is one of the most effective way of marketing communication. It also helps to overcome the marketing barriers in few cases. 1) A side benefit for your business is the opportunity to gain market research from this personal contact. You can gain knowledge about what your potential clients really think, what your competitors are up to and what is currently missing from the marketplace off erings 2) On account of the personal touch, the marketer is in a position to get meaningful feedback, suggestions for improvement and redress the complaints and grievances promptly. 3) Personal selling is highly flexible as the marketer can develop specific plans to handle every customer. 4) It is highly cost-effective especially for the small marketers with limited resources at their disposal. 5) Personal selling is an effective and fast track approach to convert inquiry into sales. 6) Opportunity to build a stronger long-term relationship. Personal contact will encourage loyalty 7) Try before you buy à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" depending on your product/service, potential clients may be able to trial the product/services before actually purchasing. Advantages of using local nationals International business firms need to engage the services of expert sales force as a first step in managing personal selling. While recruiting marketing and sales personnel going to hand le a particular foreign market, Local market need to be appointed. However, if in a foreign market, third country nationals are likely to succeed in personal selling, third country personnel can also be engaged. With the growth in international marketing, it is anyway ideal to use local nationals for the purpose of personal selling. English being the internationally accepted language, sales person so selected need to have good spoken English to enable them to translate the objectives of the business firm into a profitable venture. For example the sale of certain consumer goods like vacuum cleaner (Eureka Forbes) and water purifiers (Aqua guard) through personal selling is very effective. The sales personnel are reaching the ultimate users and persuading them to purchase the goods explaining the technology and long- term advantages to the households. They also convey the disadvantages to the households if the particular consumer goods are not used in terms of inability to provi de pure drinking water and maintaining the houses clean. Q: 6 discuss the advantages of direct and indirect exporting. Advantages of direct exporting In direct export eliminating intermediaries increases the potential profit In direct marketing you have greater flexibility to improve or redirect your marketing efforts as your business develops in foreign ,market Marketplace is better understood You can present yourself fully committed and engaged in t he export process Fast and direct feedback by customers are provided to you for your product and performance You know whom to contact if something isnt working Better protection for trademarks, patents and copyrights are provided. Better communication with the customers is available for more effective and efficient performance and product. Awareness of customers is increased. Transactions take place over greater control. Advantages if indirect exporting It does not require any market expertise Concentration of resources towards production It provides a path to enter foreign markets without the complexities Little or no financial commitment as the clients exports usually covers most expenses associated with international sales. Low risk exists for companies who consider their domestic market to be more important and for companies that are still developing their RD, marketing, and sales strategies. Export management is outsourced, alleviating pressure from management team In indirect exporting company can start exporting with no incremental investment in fixed capital, low start-up costs and few market risks but with prospects for incremental sales.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Issue Of Teenage Obesity - 1231 Words
Teenage obesity is one if the sternest topics viewed globally. The epidemic has severe outcomes and can sometimes be fatal. An obese child is any child or teen that is severely overweight and has a body mass index, or BMI, that is equal to or greater than the 85th percentile which equates to about 10 percentage points higher than the recommended body weight for their height and body type. Doctors claim that today about 1 in 3 kids are overweight or obese. A number of studies have shown how being an obese teen can lead to being an obese adult which can also affect the future generations. The number of American children who are obese or overweight is growing at an alarming rate. Obesity causes many negative factors. Extra pounds put kids at risk of serious health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and asthma. Childhood obesity also takes an emotional toll. Overweight children are frequently teased and excluded from team activities, which can lead to low self-esteem, negative body image, and depression. However, with the right support, encouragement, and positive role modeling, you can help your child reach and maintain a healthy weight and eliminate many of the negative diseases that are associated with obesity. According to a recent article from, The Daily Telegraph, parents aren’t the cause for teens being obese. â€Å"A study suggested that while parents who were overweight were responsible for obesity among smaller children, by the time youngsters reachedShow MoreRelatedThe Growth Of Teenage Obesity Essay1309 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction The growth in teenage obesity in the course of recent decades, together with the related health issues and expenses, is growing serious concern among parents and health care professionals. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Development of Grammatical Categories of Adjective free essay sample
The development and the change of a language is not only on the lexicon, but it can be on the other elements of the linguistics, and the causes of the changes are various, such as: the political, social, cultural and technological development. There is a problem, however, of whether the development of the language can be directly observed or not. It is the genuine characteristic of a language that a language develops, and the process is for centuries. It is impossible to observe the development of a language directly since the age of man is limited. Something, which can be observed and studied are the proofs or the data of the changes. Unfortunately, not every language can give the proofs. Only languages which have written documents from era to era can provide them. The English, Arabic and Javanese belong those which can be traced, because they have written documents. According to the documents, English can be categorized into three periods. We will write a custom essay sample on Development of Grammatical Categories of Adjective or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The period from 450 to 1150 is known as Old English, from 1100 to 1500 is known as Middle English, and from 1500 up to now is known as Modern English. The English language of today reflects many developments and changes of the last centuries. The political and social events had effected the English. The Christianizing of Britain in 597 brought England into contact with Latin civilization and it made additions to the English vocabularies. The Scandinavian invasions made a considerable mixture of the two peoples and their languages. The English, for two centuries, was only used by the lower class while the nobles and those associated with them used French as the result of the Norman Conquest. In 1066, English regained supremacy as the language of all elements of the population, and it greatly changed in both the form and vocabulary. In a similar way the Hundred Years’ War, the rise on an important middle class, the Renaissance, the development of English as maritime power, the expansion of the British Empire, and the growth of commerce and industry of science and literature , have each in its way, contributed to make the English language what it is today. Therefore, the development of the English adjective can be traced and discussed. Linguists differentiate the language changes into two, the internal and external changes. The first happens on the language itself, such as, the changes of the phonology, morphology, semantic, syntactic and lexicon system. And the latter undergoes changes because of the external influence such as contacts with other people having different languages. This happens because of word borrowing, word absorbing, phonological changing etc. Actually the easiest language change to observe is the lexicon change, but as stated above, this paper is intended to discuss the development and the changes of the English adjective. Since the discussion of the English adjective is quiet wide, it is limited on the discussion of the form and the comparative adjective. THE ENGLISH ADJECTIVE Many English words belong to more than one part of speech. Thus hope, love, sleep, etc. , may be nouns as well as verbs; chief; general, vegetable, etc. , may be nouns as well as adjectives; clean, dead, wide, etc. , are adjectives as well as adverbs; while may be either a noun, a verb or a conjunction; since may be an adverb, a preposition, or a conjunction; adjectives as well as verbs. The examples are as follows: They like black shoes, the word black is an adjective, and in the sentence: They black their shoes once a week, the word black here is a verb. So it is not so easy to say whether a word is an adjective just by looking at it in an isolation or form. It should be understood that an adjective is a word which is used with a noun or pronoun to describe the animate or inanimate things designated by the noun or pronoun. In other words, an adjective is a word which functions as a modifier to describe a noun or other substantive and traditionally, an adjective has been considered as a part of speech and used to denote word classes. An adjective has some characteristics such as follows: 1. It can freely occur in attributive position as a pre-modifier of a noun, for example: a beautiful park, naughty boys. 2. It can occur alone after a verb as a subject complement, e. g. : The car is beautiful. My father looks old. 3. It can be preceded by very and other intensifying words, for example: The car is very beautiful. 4. It can take comparative and superlative forms whether it is inflectionally or by the addition of pre-modifier, e. g. : happy, happier, the happiest, and beautiful, more beautiful, the most beautiful. 5. Most of adjectives can be added with –ly to form adverbs, e. g. : happy happily, beautiful -beautifully. However, not every adjective has these characteristics. A word can be considered as an adjective when it can function as an attribute or predicate and it cannot function as a direct object. Adjectives are the prototypical modifiers. Adjectives are also one of the most difficult categories to classify, since they share many characteristics of either nouns or verbs. Adjectives, being less well-established as a category, are a more likely target for change. Adjectives in English have two distinct functions: they can be predicative (as in the rhythm is important) or attributive (as in contemporary poetry). In the former case they are closer to the verbal end of the continuum, because together with the copula verb hey form the verbal phrase, and in the latter case they may (but need not) be closer to the nominal end of the cline. There are various formal means of distinguishing between these two functions: it may be done by position, by intonation or stress, or by inflection. In the history of English, there have been important changes , which will be the main topic of discussion here OLD ENGLISH ADJECTIVE The period of the Old English is from 450 to 1150 and it is sometimes described as the period of full inflections, since during most of this period the endings of the noun, the adjective, and the verb are preserved more or less unimpaired. An important feature of the Germanic languages is the development of a twofold declension of the adjective: one, the strong declension; and the other is the weak one. The strong declension is used when the adjective alone must bear the primary burden of indicating the construction of the noun, and the weak or non-distinctive adjective, or a possessive has already performed the office of case, number and gender indication. The Old English adjective has three genders: masculine, feminine and neutral. It also has the same cases as on: nominative, genitive, dative, with the addition of an instrumental in the masculine and neutral singular. It is necessary to mention only such distinctive endings as the masculine accusative singular -ne, the feminine genitive and dative -re, and the genitive plural -ra as illustrations of this point. In the sense that this inflectional pattern contains such inflections especially associated with certain case and gender forms, it is a strong declension. It can be seen clearly in the following table that we find the ending -a for a masculine nominative singular adjective, -an for the accusative singular of the same gender, and – e for a feminine nominative singular. In fact the weak adjective declension corresponds point for point with the weak noun declension, even to the distinctive -e form in the neuter accusative singular. For example: An O. E noun eag = eye becomes eage in the neuter nominative singular, and nam = name becomes naman in the masculine dative singular. The strong declension is used predicatively and attributively without any other defining word, or when the adjective is not preceded by a demonstrative or possessive pronoun, such as follows: Waes seo aemne geong the woman was young Dol cyning a foolish king The weak declension is used after the demonstrative and possessive pronoun or after a definite article: Se dola cyning the foolish king Se ofermoda cyning the proud king Min leofa sunu my dear son The comparative adjective was formed of the suffix – ra, and the superlative ost, a few adjectives have –est . Examples: Positive| Comparative| Superlative| Meaning| eald| ieldra| ieldest| old| earm| earmra| earmost| poor| We also find some words with the comparative formed from an adverb or preposition with the superlative –um, or –uma , in Latin loan words: optimus (best), summus (highest). For the word ending in –m ceased to be felt as having superlative force, some words taken by analogy the additional ending -est. It makes the double superlative with the suffix -umist- , then becomes -ymist- and develops further into -imest -, -emest-, and mest , such as in formest, midmest, and further examples are: Positive| Comparative| Superlative| Meaning| inne| innemra| innemest| within| after| after| aftermest| after| There are also some irregular comparisons in Old English adjectives, such as: Positive| Comparative| Superlative| got| bettra| betst| micel| mara| maest| MIDDLE ENGLISH ADJECTIVE The English language between the year 1150 and 1500 has already been characterized as Middle English. It was marked by momentous changes in English language, changes were more extensive and fundamental than those that have taken place at any time before or since. The changes of this period affected English in both its grammar and its vocabulary and the changes in English grammar may be described as a general reduction of inflection. Endings of the noun and adjective marking distinctions of number and case and often of gender were so altered in pronunciation as to lose their distinctive form and hence their usefulness. The result of the changes was that in Middle English the indication of gender distinguishing the masculine form was lost, because the ending –a (masculine nominative) and -e (neuter nominative accusative and feminine nominative) fell together in a single forms as -e. For example: Old English Middle English Se ealdu man the olde man(masculine) Se ealde talu the olde tale (feminine) Paet ealde swurd the olde sword (neuter) The weak adjective ending -an and -urn had already fallen together as -en. And because of the loss of final -n they also became to have only -e. But, there are very few sunrivals of the Old English genitive plural in –ra as Middle English -er, notably in aller from Old English ealra. Thus , the singular and plural forms of the weak adjective declension, -a, -e, -an, :em, and -urn, were reduced to a single ending in -e. Middle English monosyllabic adjectives ending in consonants remained uninflected throughout the singular and had -e throughout the plural: Singular Plural Brod brode God gode Glad glade The ending of accusative masculine singular -ne, the genitive and dative feminine singular -e (-ere) and a few isolated forms of the genitive plural were remained unchanged. The old English comparative ending –ra became – re, and the superlative suffixes –est and –ost fell together as -est , as in: Positive| Comparative| Superlative| hard| harder| hardest| fair| fairer| fairest| clene| clener| clenest| In Middle English there was also a process of shortening vowel. It happened when the root of an adjective was long , for example: Positive| Comparative| Superlative| swete| swetter| swettest| Middle English adjectives also had irregular comparison , for example: Positive| Comparative| Superlative| god| better| best| bade| worse| werst| icel| more(mara)| mest(most,mast)| MODERN ENGLISH ADJECTIVE In Early Modern English, it (English adjective) continued to form comparatives with –er and superlatives with –est. Analitical comparison with mo(e), more , and most wich had occur as early as Old English times also used in Early Modern English, but there are also some double comparison such as: more fitter, more better, mos t unkindest. In Modern English many adjectives are formed from words which are other parts of speech by the addition of suffixes (-ful, -less, -y, -ly, -like, etc. French, Latin, Greek suffixes, including –ous, -ant, -ent, -ate, -ac, (-ic), -able, (-ible), -esque, -ine, -ive, -ory, -ose, etc. also appear in many English adjectives: valorous, rampant, fluent, ornate, cardiac, poetic, tolerable, edible, grotesque, canine, civil, juvenile, elective, introductory, and verbose. In this case, some linguists propose some suffixes which typically indicate that a word is an adjective: Suffix| Add to| Result| -able| verb| washable| -al| noun| musical| -ed| noun| ragged| -esque| noun| romanesque| -ful| noun| hopeful| -ic| noun| heroic| ish| noun| foolish| -ive| verb| effective| -less| noun| restless| -like| noun| childlike| -ly| noun| friendly| -ous| noun| desirous| -some| noun| brothersome| -worthy| noun| praiseworthy| -y| noun| sandy| In comparison, adjectives of one syllable are regu larly compared by adding to the positive form –er for comparative, and –est for superlative. The only exception to this rule are few monosyllables, which are difficult to pronounce with the –er and -est suffixes, examples: real, wrong, like, etc. Examples are: Positive| Comparative| Superlative| clear| clearer| clearest| ide| wider| widest| sweet| sweeter| sweetest| More and most are employed for more than two syllables adjectives. Examples are: Positive| Comparative| Superlative| beautiful| more beautiful| most beautiful| difficult| more difficult| most difficult| diligent| more diligent| most diligent| To show special emphasis, some adjectives of one or two syllables have both patterns of comparison: calm, calmer, calmest or calm, more calm, most calm. When it is used in the appositive position adjectives are generally compared with more and most: I never knew a man more calm or more kind than you. For phonetic reason many adjectives ending in –al, -ar, -ard, -en, -ure, -erse, -ful, -ed, -om, -ic,- is,- ive, -ous, -ose, -que, etc. are compared by the employment of more or most. Examples are: Positive| Comparative| Superlative| musical| more musical| most musical| hopeful| more hopeful| most hopeful| heroic| more heroic| most heroic| effective| more effective| most effective| desirous| more desirous| most desirous| Compound adjectives are sometimes compared by inflecting the first element of the compound, for example: well-known, better-known, best-known. There are also some adjectives which are not regularly compared with –er or –est have superlative forms in –est and comparative with more. The –est superlative is preferred when the adjective has pronominal function or preceded by the definite article. For example: He is the handsomest of the boys. Adjectives are distinguished by a specific combinability with nouns, which they modify, if not accompanied by adjuncts, usually in pre-position, and occasionally in postposition; by a combinability with link-verbs, both functional and notional; by a combinability with modifying adverbs. Adjectives are the third major class of words in English, after nouns and verbs. Adjectives are words expressing properties of objects (e. g. large, blue, simple, clever, economic, progressive, productive, etc. ) and, hence, qualifying nouns. Adjectives in Modern English do not change for number or case. The only grammatical category they have is the degrees of comparison. They are also characterized by functions in the sentence. In the sentence the adjective performs the functions of an attribute and a predicative. CONCLUSION It is right, as stated above in the introduction, that a language is changing from time to time. And of course, it happens to English. The English of a thousand years ago was different from the English of five hundred years ago, and so the English of today will be different from the English of the fourth millennium. The differences of the English from centuries to centuries are not only on a certain aspect, but on many aspects as well as on the English adjective. The Old English adjective had inflectional modification to indicate numbers, genders, cases, and degrees of comparisons, and there was a distinction of weak and strong declensions. In Middle English, most of the declensional distinctions were lost, the general tendency of the language is to drop all suffixes. Adjectives in Modem English do not change their forms to show changes in number, case, or gender; and only a few adjectives of the pronominal class possess meanings which indicate number. One, and every, each modify singular nouns while several, few, many modify only plural substantives. In Modem English no adjective is capable of indicating gender or case. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Baugh A. C. and T. Cable. A History of the English Language. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc. , 1978. 2. Crystal, D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. 3. Hogg, R and A. Denison. A history of the English language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. 4. Frank, Marcella. Modern English Grammar: a Practical Reference Guide. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc. , 1972. 5. Wardhaugh, R. An Introduction to Social linguistics Cambridge: Blackwell Publisher, 1992. . An Elementary Middle English Grammar; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1928. 7. Suwardy, A. The development of English Adjectives. [emailprotected] com 8. www. cambridge. org/9780521662277
Friday, April 10, 2020
T Pentyl Chloride Lab Report Essay Example
T Pentyl Chloride Lab Report Paper Edward Kluges, by a temperature of 79-ICC, the product is expected to boil (pig. 20). At about ICC, the product began to stabilize. This matches the expected boiling point for the product. After simple distillation and measurement, a total of 17 ml of the product was obtained. Side Reactions: Summary of experiment: The following experimental procedure was directed from Introduction to Organic Lab Techniques CHEMIC IL Courseware by Dry. Edward Kluges found on pages 18- 20. Using 22 ml of t-Phenyl alcohol and 50 ml of 37. 3% concentrated HCI, a mixture was created and swirled in a 125 ml separators funnel. After the solution had been mixed for approximately one minute, a stopper was used to prevent the mixture for escaping the separators funnel as it was inverted. Once inverted, built-up gas was released by turning the stopcock to its opened and closed positions. This was repeated for about four times in one minute intervals. Then the layers were allowed to settle until a separation between liquids could be observed. Due to the low density of the product, the top layer was to be extracted. The bottom layer was carefully and slowly extracted out of the separators funnel. The crude product was washed by taking the reaction product in the separators funnel and adding 23 ml of denizen H2O. The mixture was shaken and allowed to settle until layers were observable. The top layer was the desired product and approximately 25 ml of aqueous layer was extracted from the separators funnel. Next, 25 ml of 5% Enhance was added to the separators funnel in order to neutralize the acid. This mixture was swirled, plugged with the stopper and inverted. Built-up gas was released by turning the stopcock to its opened and closed positions, releasing CO by-product. We will write a custom essay sample on T Pentyl Chloride Lab Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on T Pentyl Chloride Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on T Pentyl Chloride Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This was done four times in one minute intervals. The solution was allowed to settle until layers were observable. The bottom layer that contained salt, base and water was extracted from the separators funnel. The crude product was washed again as mentioned previously. The wet, crude product was placed into the 50 ml Erlenmeyer flask. Small amounts of Cacao were added to dry the solution. The flask was sealed and the mixture was swirled and left to settle. Once the solution turned clear, it was ready for simple distillation technique. Using filter paper and a funnel, he solution passed through and was placed into the 100 ml round bottom flask attached to the distillation apparatus. The temperature was monitored and recorded when the product reached a stable temperature of about 80 to ICC. After distillation was complete, the product was measured in a graduated cylinder and recorded. The procedure to purify the crude product was the simple distillation technique found in A Molecular Approach to Organic Laboratory Techniques by Pave et. Al. Report Questions: 1. Aqueous sodium bicarbonate was used to wash the crude t-Phenyl chloride. A. What was the purpose of this wash? The purpose of the wash with the basic bicarbonate was to remove the acidic components of the mixture. This helps facilitate the phase separation needed in order to extract the waste and keep the desired product. B. Why would it be undesirable to wash the crude halide with aqueous sodium hydroxide? Aqueous sodium hydroxide is a very strong base. By using a very strong base, it can cause the reaction to proceed with the E mechanism and gives us undesirable alkaline products. 2. Some 2-methyl-2-butane may be produced in the reaction as a by-product. Give a mechanism for its production.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Adidass Strategy
Adidass Strategy Free Online Research Papers What is adidass corporate strategy? â€Å"To lead the sporting goods industry with brands built on a passion for sports and a sporting lifestyle. To provide athletes with the best possible equipment to optimize their performance. Leveraging opportunities across their brand portfolio 1.Market penetration – gaining market share across all markets in which they compete 2.Market development – expanding into new markets and addressing new consumer segments To have a leading market positions in all regions where we compete. Leading though innovation and design Customizing distribution 1.Mono-branded stores run by retail partners 2.Shop-in-shops that Adidas establish with their key accounts 3.Joint ventures with their retail partners 4.Co-branded stores with sports organizations or other brands Creating shareholder value†Was there a common strategic approach used in managing the companys lineup of sporting goods businesses prior to its 2005–2006 restructuring? No, Adidas was trying to regain the number one position within the sporting goods industry by investing in many different areas of sporting goods. â€Å"Adidas’s 1998 acquisition of Salomon had several businesses that adidas’s management viewed as attractive-its Salomon ski division was the leading producer of ski equipment: TaylorMade Golf was the second-largest seller of golf equipment; and Mavic was the leading producer of high-performance bicycle wheels and rims.†Adidas was not focused on athletic footwear and started selling bike wheels and rims that had nothing in common with their main business of athletes’ footwear. Also the ski division was out of line with their many main business goals and strategies. Has the corporate strategy changed with restructuring? Yes, Adidas sold the divisions that were not inline with their main strategy or didn’t have noting in common with their main business. â€Å"Adidas announced near the end of its second quarter 2005 that it would divest its winter sports brands and Mavic bicycle components before the end of the year.†Adidas started focusing on its main business strategies and divisions that were in common with the strategies. â€Å"Adidas’s October 2005 announcement that it would acquire Reebok International Ltd for three point eight billion was the final component of a restructuring initiative that would focus the company’s business lineup primarily on athletic footwear and apparel and golf equipment by 2006.†With the restructuring and acquisition of Reebok the company strategy has changed. The new Adidas will start focusing on their core business strengths in the athletic footwear and apparel business. The combined companies will offer the spectrum of their product mix to gain a greater combined market share. â€Å"The brand adidas will continue to have a clear focus on sport performance and will highlight team sports, while brand Reebok will be positioned as a fitness oriented, sports-lifestyle brand with the focus on individual performance. The positioning will also be reflected in the distinct brand communication to reach different consumers.†What is your evaluation of adidass 1998 acquisition of Salomon SA? Adidas should have not acquired Salomon SA since they did not have the knowledge to run the division and it made adidas to diverse. â€Å"A Merrill Lynch analyst suggested that the Salomon acquisition might prove troublesome for adidas since other athletic shoe companies had dabbled in the hard goods segment, but they have been unsuccessful to date in making inroads.†By adidas becoming too diverse, they were unable to capitalize on any value chains and unable to cross promote their products. The acquisition did give adidas more market share â€Å"Adidas’s 1.5 billion acquisition of Salomon allowed it to surpass Reebok to become the world’s second-largest sporting goods company†This was not a good business decision because adidas already owned Reebok and just because they gain market share showed that the end result would not be profitable (bigger is not always better). Did the acquisition achieve the Robert Louis-Dreyfuss objective of putting together the best portfolio of sports brands in the world? NO. Louis-Dreyfus used 100 percent debt financing to create adidas-Salomon thinking that the new business units would boost adidas’s pretax profit by 20-25 percent, however, Louis-Dreyfus’s projections never materialized. In 2000 Louis-Dreyfus resigned since his objective failed. What does a 9-cell industry attractiveness/business strength matrix displaying adidas-Salomons business units look like? A 9-cell industry attractiveness/business strength matrix for the time would have showed that the combination of adidas and Salomon AS would not be a good fit. Adidas brought to the deal a company that had underestimated the competitor (Nike), falling to the eighth position of athletic footwear market within the United States. Their was no competitive advantage for adidas within an maturing industry. Both adidas and Salomon had challenges within their industries that were not fix or address before or during the merger. Did adidass business lineup prior to the divestiture of Salomon and Mavic exhibit good strategic fit? No, at first it looks like a very good fit since both companies are in the sporting goods industry and having well known brand names. Both of them have strong apparel lines and having presence in similar geographical regions. However, it’s obvious that the hard-goods categories of Salomon and Mavic would not create synergies with the apparel and footwear industries of adidas. Skill transfers between the businesses would have been a problem to because each business was so different. What value-chain match ups existed? Adida’s knowledge in the apparel and footwear industries were a good match up for running TaylorMade, Salomon, etc. footwear and apparel lines. What opportunities for skills transfer, cost sharing, or brand sharing were evident? Adidas should have gain more bargaining power that should have resulted in cost savings for all the companies. Advertising cost could have been shared since all the companies are in the sporting goods industry. TaylorMade can use adidas’s apparel and footwear manufacturing strengths to its advantage to come up with more apparel and footwear products to increase its market share. Cost reduction learned from adidas could be used at TaylorMade to save money. What strategic fits will be possible once Reebok International is acquired? Reebok will give adidas’s company the ability to position adidas as a technologically superior shoe designed for athletes and adidas can then focus on the high-end of the markets. Reebok would be positioned as leisure shoes that would sell at middle price points. Adidas can keep endorsement contracts with respected athletes and Reebok’s endorsements would be from more edgy celebrities. This is a great strategic fit since both companies are in the same line of business, but in different segments of the market and so they compliment each other. Another great fits is that Reebok would keep its CEO to lead Reebok after the acquisition so both companies will have the management that knows how to run their part of the business. Did adidass business lineup exhibit good resource fit between 1998 and 2004? No, because the businesses were too different in order to gain any economies of scale from combined production. Management skills and employee skills could not be moved from one company to the other without retraining. What were the financial characteristics of each of three major segments? Exhibit 5 Adidas 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 Net Sales 80% 79% 78% 79% 80% 83% 85% Gross profit 75% 71% 71% 71% 75% 82% 86% Operating profit 88% 78% 75% 74% 79% 87% 94% Salomon 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 Net Sales 10% 10% 10% 12% 12% 11% 10% Gross profit 8.47% 9% 10% 12% 12% 10% 9% Operating profit 2% 7% 9% 13% 12% 6% 1% TaylorMade 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 Net Sales 10% 10% 11% 9% 8% 6% 5% Gross profit 9.74% 10% 12% 11% 4% 7% 6% Operating profit 10% 14% 16% 13% 9% 6% 5% Salomon was far behind Adidas and TaylorMade with operating profit declining from 2002. As of 2004 Salomon is getting to the point where it is just able to cover expenses. Which businesses might have been considered cash hogs and cash cows? Adidas is the cash cow with 75% gross profit. Solomon is the cash hog with only 9% operating profits then TaylorMade is the second cash hog How did adidas-Salomons performance vary by geographic region? On average from 1998 2004 Europe with 51% of adidas’s sales Asian with 16% of adidas’s sales Latin American with 3% of adidas’s sales Based on your analysis of adidas-Salomon businesses, did the 2005 restructuring make sense? Yes It allowed adidas to focus back on its core business of athletic footwear and apparel. At also allowed adidas to get rid of businesses that it was unable to manage. Does it appear the acquisition of Reebok International will produce positive results for shareholders? Yes, since adidas sales has gained more market share in china, overtaking Nike within that business region. What strategic actions should adidas CEO Herbert Hainer initiate to improve the companys financial and market performance now that the restructuring is nearing completion? Grow in other location out side of Europe. Adidas must increase market share in North America. Either sell or get the Salomon’s division more profitable. Focus on getting more business within the basketball area’s were Nike is slam dunking them at the hoops. Work Cited Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage- Concepts and Cases, 15th ed., by Arthur A. Thompson Jr, A. J. Strickland III, and John E. Gamble (New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2007). Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage- Concepts and Cases, 15th ed., by Arthur A. Thompson Jr, A. J. Strickland III, and John E. Gamble (New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2007). Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage- Concepts and Cases, 15th ed., by Arthur A. Thompson Jr, A. J. Strickland III, and John E. Gamble (New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2007). Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage- Concepts and Cases, 15th ed., by Arthur A. Thompson Jr, A. J. Strickland III, and John E. Gamble (New York: Mc Graw-Hill/Irwin, 2007). Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage- Concepts and Cases, 15th ed., by Arthur A. Thompson Jr, A. J. Strickland III, and John E. Gamble (New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2007). Research Papers on Adidas's StrategyAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductOpen Architechture a white paperDefinition of Export QuotasBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfPETSTEL analysis of IndiaIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalThe Project Managment Office SystemTwilight of the UAWRelationship between Media Coverage and Social and
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 10
Human Resource Management - Essay Example Similarly the work life balance in the organizations will also be affected in the future such that the employee’s attitudes towards work and also leisure could also change. On the other hand there would also be more flexible obligations in balancing the demands of the employees in the organizations. Another sociological aspect that would affect the organizations in the near future is in the distribution of income whereby the organizations managements will want more people to highly invest in their organizations. On the other hand the consumerisms will also affect the organizations in the sociological aspect such that there will be more competition between the various organizations for more consumers. The market lace will also become more competitive since the levels of education for the consumers will be higher. The consumers will therefore be able to make more informed choices in their consumer choices and behavior. The organizations will also be affected by the sociological factors in such a way that they will invest more in the people who are in their organizations and equip them with adequate skills which will make them more competent in the organizations market place. The technological factors which are likely to affect the organizations in the near future could be classified in terms of the emerging new technology. In the near future the technological innovations will be very high and also very innovative. For instance the organizations will be affected by the new communication models which include the telecommunications and transportation of goods and services from one place to another. Similarly technologically the governments will spend more on research programs so as to ensure that the consumers are provided with the best quality of goods and services. The governments will also tend to focus more on the technological effort. The
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7
Financial Management - Essay Example If the current ratio is below 1, the company is said to be unable to meet its liabilities. In the M. D. Ryngaert & Co, the profitability may have contributed to the increase in the current ration and making the turnover ratio to remain constant. The profits got from the daily operations in the company are used to expand the operations thereby leading to the changes in the current ratio. This includes the gross and the net profit after the daily expenses are deducted from the revenues got. The gross profit is used to determine the margins the company is getting. In the same way, it can be a measure of the efficiency of the company in carrying out its operations (Milkovinch, 2010). On the other hand the net profitability depends on the daily expenses in the company. The higher the expenses the lower the net profit and this will affect the company’s running. This may result to the company selling some of its current assets in order to meet the liabilities. Many scholars have advanced in the analyzing on the reasons that would lead to an increase in the current ratio while the turnover ratio remains constant. The major explanation given to this would be the improved liquidity in the company. According to Thomas (2003), liquidity is the capital already available in a firm. In a deeper explanation, a company’s liquidity is the amount of cash or capita which is available for use or spending. In the M.D Ryngaert & Co. the rise in the current ratio while the turnover ratio remains constant can be attributed to several reasons. The company may have seen an improvement in the liquidity due to some reasons. In the M. D. Ryngaert & Co, the external cash flow may have been directed to acquiring new products or the getting more employees. All this may have contributed to the rising of the increased current ratio while the turnover ratio remained constant. In cases where the current ratio of a company falls below 1, the company is unable to meet its
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The ideal teacher Essay Example for Free
The ideal teacher Essay What characteristics should a teacher possess? What Makes a Good Teacher? Video – Effective Teacher †¢ An effective teacher can be seen in the following video: Introduction What does being a teacher mean? †¢ Having a vocation for the teaching profession. †¢ Being dedicated. †¢ Being surrounded by a large number of diverse students, each with their own baggage and unique character. Knowledge 1st Characteristic of an effective teacher †¢ Should be transmitted in a unique and fun manner. †¢ One should move from the known to the unknown. †¢ It is not how much one knows, but how much one can deliver. Knowledge Observation 1 †¢ At a particular Boys’ Area Secondary School, it was noticed that the boys had a low IQ. †¢ A highly motivated Maltese teacher used a practical example to help them learn. †¢ He compared the Maltese language to a cocktail. – The different drinks symbolized Italian, Arabic and English. †¢ As a result the children remembered the example more. Adaptation 2nd Characteristic of an effective teacher †¢ One should get to know one’s students to cater for them accordingly. †¢ Scaffolding activities accordingly, ensures maximum learning. â€Å"The wise adapt themselves to circumstances, as water moulds itself to the pitcher†– Chinese Proverb Environment 3rd Characteristic of an effective teacher †¢ Creates a non-threatening and welcoming environment. Environment – Observation 1 †¢ A Maths lesson in a Boys’ Area Secondary School – The teacher greeted the students by the words ‘hurry up because you are wasting precious time’. – The students were not very friendly towards her and imitated her. – Whilst going out for recreation these students were heard echoing the teacher’s words to their peers who dawdled on their way out. Theory of Observational Learning †¢ The students’ picked up the teacher’s habit and used it to their advantage. †¢ This can be applied to Albert Bandura’s theory of observational learning. Theory of Observational Learning †¢ Bandura established 4 steps – Attention – characteristics instilled within a person that will affect the way in which he is influenced. – Retention – the ability to remember what one sees and transforms it into visualizations or verbal expressions. – Reproduction – the ability to transform what one has retained into definite behaviour. – Motivation – one has to be given a reason or incentive to reproduce what he has observed and retained. Organisation Good Organisation 4th Characteristic of being an effective teacher †¢ Having good organisational skills. †¢ In order to keep the students focused, the explanation should be sequential to avoid confusion. †¢ The teacher should always follow a lesson plan. Bloom’s Taxonomy for Learning Domain †¢ The last two domains – Synthesis – Evaluation focus on the importance of having a lesson plan as a guidance for the lesson. Importance of a Lesson Plan †¢ A lesson plan is important – to make the lesson sequential. – to ensure the objectives devised were reached. – to assess whether students understood or not. Conducting a Lesson †¢ The teacher starts off the lesson by correcting the home work, – the students participate and say their answers. †¢ Introduces the topic that will be tackled. †¢ The teacher may write down some notes on the whiteboard. †¢ Class work is given so as to make sure that the students understood the topic. Organisation – Observation 1 †¢ A particular maths teacher at a girl’s school, applied very good organisational skills in her lesson. †¢ She stated the aims of the lesson at the beginning of the lesson in a very clear way. †¢ She managed to do all the things she had planned. †¢ On repeated observations, it was noted that she always had a well-planned lesson. †¢ Students were always motivated to learn. Organisation – Observation 2 †¢ Another class that was observed in the same school was a Maltese literacy class. – It aids students who find it difficult when it comes to reading and writing. †¢ She involved the students by asking them to continue reading from where she stopped and corrected them wherever they made a mistake. †¢ At the end, she gave them some pages to read at home. Classroom Layout 1 †¢ In the previous incidents mentioned, the desks were neatly placed and organised in twos. – Students can help each other with any difficulties they might have. †¢ The teacher’s desk was facing the student’s desks. †¢ On some occasions, the teacher may still need to separate desks to avoid misbehaviour and interruptions before starting the lesson. Classroom Environment †¢ When students are already inside the classroom, the teacher should make his / her presence felt. †¢ On the contrary, when students change class, the teacher can alter the classroom layout to suit his/her approach to teaching. Disorganisation †¢ When the teacher is disorganized he/she will not be able to deliver a well-balanced lesson. – This was noticed in an observation where the class only managed to read a small paragraph from a textbook throughout two whole double lessons. – The rest was random, out of point discussions. †¢ There was poor classroom management together with a lack of discipline. Observation Disorganisation †¢ During a Home-Economics practical session a disorganised teacher was observed. †¢ The teacher did not guide and assess the students. †¢ They ended up asking each other what to do next and did not learn any skills. Discipline Behaviourism †¢ Constant motivation is compared to behaviourism – researched by B. F. Skinner. †¢ He called his research ‘The Operant Conditioning Theory’. †¢ Theory states that a particular behaviour can be increased by positive / negative reinforcements (praise / punishments). Bad Discipline Observation Ineffective Teacher †¢ Observation A particular teacher, instead of correcting the students in a gentle manner and explaining what was wrong, the teacher sent the students out of class together with their desk and chair. †¢ It was observed that most of the teachers reprimanded the students whenever they got something wrong. †¢ Students are demoralized and in consequence show no interest in learning. Albert Bandura †¢ Throughout our observations, one thing was particularly noticed. †¢ When a teacher scolds students, their actions turn out to be counterproductive as that same action is repeated by the students. †¢ This is backed up by the Social Cognitive Theory researched by Albert Bandura. †¢ The Bobo-Doll experiment – Children imitated what was seen both verbally and physically. Influential Teachers †¢ A teacher’s behaviour contributes to classroom management . Henry Adams once stated: â€Å"A teacher affects eternity; one can never tell were the influence stops. †Good Discipline Observation – Effective Teacher 5th characteristic of being an effective teacher †¢ Keeps the same discipline methods with all students regardless of their gender, race, ability or religion. †¢ Positive reinforcement: praises students and corrects their mistakes. †¢ Greets the students. †¢ Prepares the things needed for the lesson beforehand and waits for the students to settle down. †¢ Goes around the students to check whether everyone is paying attention. †¢ Removes distracting materials such as any irrelevant writing on the board will be rubbed off. Communication of Ideas 6th Characteristic of being an effective teacher †¢ Ability to communicate ideas effectively. †¢ This is done through the use of a variety of resources. †¢ This is explained in Benjamin Bloom’s book – Taxonomy of Learning Domains. Resources Motivation †¢ A teacher should always motivate students in a fun way – that is what keeps them going; Albert Einstein once said: â€Å"It is the supreme art of a teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. †Observation †¢ During a science lesson, one of us observed one such characteristic, †¢ The science teacher used a variety of interesting resources such as: – – – – PowerPoint presentations Worksheets Information handouts Textbooks †¢ These resources enabled students to be enthusiastic and motivated. Importance of Resources Something commonly observed: †¢ Very few teachers made use of resources, †¢ Most of them used the traditional resources; white board and textbooks, †¢ Students ended up bored and disinterested throughout the lesson. Edgar Dale †¢ In the 1960’s he put forward the theory: †¢ Students retain more information by what they â€Å"do†as opposed to what they â€Å"hear†, â€Å"see†or â€Å"observe†. †¢ He devised the ‘Cone of Experience. ’ †¢ â€Å"Learning by doing†is nowadays known as â€Å"experiential learning†. Cone of Experience Ineffective Resource 1 Textbooks †¢ By time, textbooks become outdated. This means that more money has to be forked out by the school and parents to update them. †¢ Textbooks should be used as a reference for studying, revising or even further notes. Ineffective Resource 2 Whiteboard †¢ Teachers still rely on such a sole type of pedagogy application, †¢ Disadvantage: The teacher may not write clear and big enough for the students to read, †¢ There can be cases of impairment; eyesight problems. Positive Environment 7th Characteristic of being an effective teacher †¢ The ability to create a positive classroom environment. †¢ A positive classroom environment is boosted further by using: – the appropriate type of humour – at the appropriate time. Humour †¢ Teachers should foster the praxis of using humour as it is an effective technique. – This removes any tension in the relationship between the teacher and the student. – This leads to a better performance in the students’ academic life. Negative Attitude †¢ Students will learn less if the teacher uses a negative attitude towards them. †¢ This includes factors such as sarcasm. Sarcasm †¢ Sometimes teachers confuse good humor with sarcasm. – The use of sarcasm may harm the teacherstudent relationship since what some think as funny others may find to be offensive. – Sarcasm is humiliating for students. What makes a bad teacher? Video – Ineffective Teacher †¢ An ineffective teacher can be seen in the following video: Conclusion †¢ A teacher should be a life-long learner which is committed to the teaching profession striving to reach and teach’ students. Plato claimed that â€Å" The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life†.
Monday, January 20, 2020
1984 And Brave New World Essay -- essays research papers
Brave New World and 1984          As I read Brave New World and 1984, I noticed how some of Aldous Huxley and George Orwell’s prophecies are becoming true. As science and technology progresses, we have the opportunity to alter few aspects of our lives, even though our freedom and privacy may be in jeopardy.      In Brave New World, science allows babies to be artificially produced in a laboratory. Nowadays, parents who cannot conceive children are also able to artificially produce their children with the help of science and the genes of both parents. As science advances, the parents may even be able to reform the genes of their baby in order to have that perfect child. In addition, through the Bokanovsky’s Process, ninety-six identical twins can be produced with one bokansovskified egg. Recently, cloning has allowed us to produce identical mammals. If cloning is possible, it will not be surprising when we produce ninety-six identical twins with one egg, like in Brave New World, in the future.      The â€Å"Brave New Worlders†take soma whenever they feel troublesome, depressed or angry. The soma makes them feel pleasant and comfortable. Nowadays when one is having a bad day or does not feel good, he may result to something much like soma such as alcohol or drugs to produce that same pleasant feeling.      The government of the World Stat...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Chiaroscuro in The Scarlet Letter and “The Fall of the House of Usher†Essay
Mother, said little Pearl, the sunshine does not love you. It runs away and hides itself, because it is afraid of something on your bosom. In Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne has committed the sin of adultery and wears a scarlet A on her chest to condemn her. Hawthorne develops the personalities of Hester Prynne, Pearl, and Arthur Dimmesdale by using the function of light and dark images in his writing. In Edgar Allan Poes The Fall of The House of Usher, the House of Usher is presented in the eyes of the narrator as a dark, foreboding house, and in an effort to reason in order to see things in a brighter light, looks into a mirror, but looking back at him are the eye-like windows of that dark and gloomy house. Poe uses chiaroscuro to express light images of the subject and then turn them into dark parallels. Throughout The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne uses the literary device of Chiaroscuro to represent the development of his characters while similarly Poe uses the technique in The Fall of the House of Usher to develop his gloomy themes and somber settings. Hawthorne uses chiaroscuro to show Hester Prynne as a woman whose sin has overtaken her, and made her impure. One example of this is: The mothersmedium through which were transmitted to the unborn infant the rays of its moral life; and however white and clear originally, they had taken the deep stains of crimson and gold, the fiery luster, the black shadow, and the untempered light, of the intervening substance. This quote shows that Hesters sin was so powerful, that it had absorbed into Pearl even before she was born. Another quote that shows the depth of Hesters sin is: The light lingered about the lonely child, as if glad of such a playmate, until her mother had drawn most nigh enough to step into the magic circle toothe sunshine vanished. The quote shows that even the sunshine discriminates and knows Hesters impurity. Hawthorne brings out Hesters strength by having to deal with the shame and weight of her sin. Hawthorne illustrates Pearl as gorgeous and radiant using chiaroscuro. Pearls own proper beauty, shining through the gorgeous robes which might have extinguished a paler loveliness, that there was an absolute circle of radiance around her, on the darksome cottage-floor. This suggests that Pearls radiance was so great that it lit up the things around her. Another example of her beauty shown through chiaroscuro is: Pearl stood, looking so stedfastly at them through the dim medium of the forest-gloom, herself, meanwhile, all glorified with a ray of sunshine. This portrays that even though the forest and people around her appear gloomy, she remains luminescent. In addition, The light lingered about the lonely child, as if glad of such a playmate, until her mother had drawn most nigh enough to step into the magic circle toothe sunshine vanished. The sunshine discriminates against Pearls mother and others because they are impure and not worthy of its light. Minister Dimmesdale is portrayed as a feeble man through Hawthornes use of chiaroscuro. Both Arthur and Hester must carry their guilt, and never get over the weight of the sin; however, The Minister is not as strong of a person as Hester and physically emaciates. The shadow of Dimmesdales figure which the sunlight cast upon the floor, was tremulous with the vehemence of his appeal. With that, Hawthorne shows that the sin is so merciless that it literally destroys him. Throughout the novel, Hawthorne shows Arthurs health declining, as his guilt steadily increases. Poes The Fall of The House of Usher begins on one â€Å"†¦dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year†¦.†From the very beginning, the reader, as a result of Poe’s imagery, is aware of a sense of death and decay. Even the narrator describes â€Å"a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded his spirit†as he approached the House of Usher. The term â€Å"House of Usher†refers not only to the crumbling mansion but also to the remaining family members who live within. The narrator begins his description of the room with images of glowing light and Feeble gleams of encrimsoned light made their way through the trellised panes, and served to render sufficiently distinct the more prominent objects around; the eye. Then this light vanishes and darkness appears when the light struggled in vain to reach the remoter angles of the chamber, or the recesses of the vaulted and fretted ceiling. Dark draperies hung upon the walls. Clearly here is a transition present from light to dark. The narrator reasons that if he could look at things differently or in a brighter light, he might be able to change it, but when he looks into the lake he sees, with even more fear before, a mirror image of the house in all its darkness. In The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne effectively uses contrasts light and dark images to develop the personalities of Hester, Pearl, and Dimmesdale. Hawthorne uses chiaroscuro to show the depth of Hesters guilt and strength of bearing her sin and Arthurs secret. Pearl is characterized as radiant through Hawthornes vibrant descriptions of her beauty. He uses the sun to depict the purity of Pearl. Hawthorne uses shadows to depict how Arthur is a meager man compared to Hester, also bearing the sin. Hawthorne portrays Arthur deteriorating from his guilt, while Hester pushes herself to live on and try to overcome it, still always bearing its weight and pain. Poe uses images of light turning into dark to present his gloomy settings and themes. The House of Usher as first being described in light converts to dark images. Chiaroscuro is effectively used by Hawthorne to develop the personalities of his characters and by Poe to clearly present his dark settings and themes.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
`` Disgrace Byj.m Coetzee `` Sexuality And Gender Essay
Sexuality and Gender People around the world tend to say that this is a man’s world, and in the novel Disgrace by J.M Coetzee, the author demonstrates how men are more â€Å"powerful†than woman through the way the characters use women for sex and the experience each women in the novel goes through. The three main female characters that demonstrate the different experience of women and sex are; Melanie, Lucy, and Bev. Melanie is a young, ex-student of Professor Lurie, who is beautiful enough to seduce a men but also vulnerable enough to be taken advantage by them. On the other hand, Lucy is neither old nor young; she does not care about her image and is a country woman, which makes her characteristics be less sophisticated. Lucy is an important character for sexuality, since she is a lesbian, giving her somewhat male characteristics also. Bev is an older, more experienced woman, with country characteristics as well. Each woman has different characteristics but all thre e of them contribute to the terms of sexuality and gender differences. The novel is opened through a sex scene, showing how Lurie, the anti-hero of the novel, is using Soraya, a prostitute, to fulfill his needs and complete his Thursday sex routine. After he is done with his affair with Soraya, he moves on to Melanie; a 22 year old women who is not only thirty years younger than him, but also his student. Melanie is an awkward character. She says she does not want professor Lurie but yet takes all the sex
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